

Nigerias Binance Money Laundering Trial Delayed to May 17

The trial for money laundering against the CEOs of the cryptocurrency exchange Binance, which was supposed to occur in Abuja, Nigeria, has been postpo

The trial for money laundering against the CEOs of the cryptocurrency exchange Binance, which was supposed to occur in Abuja, Nigeria, has been postponed until May 17. Binances attorney cited this delay as a lack of served papers required for lawsuit preparation. Tigran Gambaryan and Nadeem Anjarwalla, two of the exchanges executives, are accused of laundering more than $35.4 million and engaging in specialised financial transactions without a licence. In addition, Binance is facing four charges of tax evasion the trial has been postponed until May 17. The biggest crypto economy in Africa, Nigeria, is under investigation over claims it is being used to finance terrorists and launder money. The trial highlights the tense relationship between law enforcement and cryptocurrency platforms, as it has been dogged by controversy ever since Gambaryan and Anjarwalla were arrested. Read More..

B2B Tech News | 1 months ago      

Uber Pulls Out of Pakistan Amid Rising Competition from Local Rivals

Ubers activities in Pakistan have ended due to growing rivalry from local rivals, as the company spokeswoman revealed. Ubers departure creates a vacuu

Ubers activities in Pakistan have ended due to growing rivalry from local rivals, as the company spokeswoman revealed. Ubers departure creates a vacuum, although its affiliate Careem will go on offering ridehailing services across the country. The move comes after Uber stopped operating in several Pakistani locations in 2022 Careems Lahore remained the only active centre. Consumers who have unpaid balances can switch to Careem to receive free trips. There is now more competition in Pakistans ridehailing business, affecting the dominance of Careem and Uber. Local competitors are offering new services like InRide, along with cheap pricing. Despite this setback, Careem is still dedicated to providing dependable ridehailing services in Pakistan that meet various transportation requirements. Read More..

B2B Tech News | 1 months ago      

Snapchat Unveils Edit Feature for Sent Messages, Available to Snapchat Plus Subscribers

The capacity to modify sent messages within a fiveminute window before their opening is one of the new features that Snapchat is rolling out this capa

The capacity to modify sent messages within a fiveminute window before their opening is one of the new features that Snapchat is rolling out this capability was initially exclusive to Snapchat Plus members. Users may correct typos and other problems using the edit button, much like on other messaging services like WhatsApp and Metas Messenger. In addition, Snapchat unveils bespoke clothing choices for Bitmoji utilising AI, emoji and map responses, and an AIpowered deadline reminder tool. People can also utilise standard emoji replies if Bitmojis arent your thing. AI Lenses will turn people into 90sstyle versions of themselves. Users can safely respond to friends location sharing while driving. The purpose of these improvements is to improve platform engagement and user experience. Read More..

B2B Tech News | 1 months ago      

Anthropic Launches Claude AI Chatbot App on Apple App Store

With support from major tech companies like Google and Amazon, Anthropic released the Claude iOS app, which is currently accessible on the Apple App S

With support from major tech companies like Google and Amazon, Anthropic released the Claude iOS app, which is currently accessible on the Apple App Store. Like ChatGPT, the free AI chatbot has multimodal functionality and realtime picture processing. Its understanding is restricted to information as of August 2023, though. Anthropic now offers the $30 monthly Team Plan, designed for business usage, and the app. This approach increases the capacity for engagement, provides access to several AI models, and simplifies administrative duties. Anthropic shows its dedication to developing AI technology for various user demands by hinting at upcoming updates that will include collaboration capabilities to increase Claudes usefulness in work environments further. Read More..

B2B Tech News | 1 months ago      

Nutanix Survey Reveals Gap Between Expectations and Reality in Public Sector Cloud Adoption

The Public Sector Enterprise Cloud Index survey by Nutanix reveals a discrepancy between the public sectors present and projected use of cloud computi

The Public Sector Enterprise Cloud Index survey by Nutanix reveals a discrepancy between the public sectors present and projected use of cloud computing. Although executives anticipate broad adoption of specific IT operating models, actual utilization must catch up in other industries. According to the analysis, modernization initiatives and the demand for flexible cloud deployments will propel significant growth in the usage of hybrid multicloud over the next one to three years. IT investments are driven mainly by the need to avoid ransomware, modernize, and support AI strategies. However, there are still issues with data management across environments, security, and compliance. Notwithstanding these obstacles, AI technology is highly sought after most want to increase expenditures in the upcoming year. Read More..

B2B Tech News | 1 months ago      

Oracle Introduces Oracle Database 23ai with Advanced AI Integration

Oracle released an upgrade called Oracle Database 23ai to improve database technology for improved artificial intelligence AI integration. With the in

Oracle released an upgrade called Oracle Database 23ai to improve database technology for improved artificial intelligence AI integration. With the introduction of "vector search" technology in this version, AI systems such as chatbots can get data more efficiently by employing concepts from genuine human language instead of simply keywords. Executive vice president of missioncritical database technology at Oracle, Juan Loaiza, emphasised the value of vector search for intricate queries. Complex queries, including particular automobile search parameters, may need to be revised or used in traditional databases. Oracle intends to make the technology available through partners like Microsoft and its cloud platform. Oracle wants to improve data retrieval capabilities—especially for AIdriven applications—but the availability of private data centres hasnt been made public. Read More..

B2B Tech News | 1 months ago      

South Koreas Manufacturing Sector Witnesses Strongest Expansion in Two Years

May had the most substantial rise in South Koreas manufacturing sector in the previous two years, thanks to robust orders and output growth propelled

May had the most substantial rise in South Koreas manufacturing sector in the previous two years, thanks to robust orders and output growth propelled by increased demand worldwide. With a rise of 51.6, the Purchasing Managers Index PMI reached its highest level since May 2022. Strong export sales, the introduction of new products, and rising local demand all contributed to a spike in output and new orders. For the seventh consecutive month, export orders increased across various global markets. Due to unfavourable exchange rates and rising raw material costs, input prices increased in seven months even as manufacturers expanded procurement to meet demand. Even with little hope for the future, the industry is still headed in the right direction. Read More..

B2B Tech News | 1 months ago      

Qatar Airways CEO Confirms Talks with Airbus and Boeing for WideBody Aircraft Order

The CEO of Qatar Airways, Badr Mohammed Al Meer, affirmed on Monday that the carrier is, in fact, in talks with Boeing and Airbus about placing a siza

The CEO of Qatar Airways, Badr Mohammed Al Meer, affirmed on Monday that the carrier is, in fact, in talks with Boeing and Airbus about placing a sizable order for widebody aircraft. Al Meer explained that although Bloomberg News stated negotiations were taking place for 200 aircraft, divided between the two manufacturers, the actual figure is higher, considering a threedigit purchase. He did not, however, reveal if the actual value was greater or lower than the stated amount. Widebody Airbus A350 and Boeing 777X aircraft are anticipated to be part of the purchase, which reflects the airlines continuous efforts to update and grow its fleet. Read More..

B2B Tech News | 1 months ago