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Tenir le cap dans une conjoncture économique difficile


Les feuilles de calcul, les outils disparates et les processus ad hoc ont fait leur temps. Read More..

This resource is sponsored by Planview

Mieux s'adapter à l'évolution des besoins


Vos processus de planification sont-ils suffisamment fiables pour vous permettre de tenir vos engagements ? Read More..

This resource is sponsored by Planview

Services professionnels : les sujets brûlants


Accélérer le TTM (Time-to-Market). Optimiser la valeur pour le client. Atténuer les risques. Réduire les coûts. Read More..

This resource is sponsored by Planview

Le secret des organisations de services les plus performantes


La composante humaine de la connexion reste essentielle non seulement pour le secteur des services professionnels Read More..

This resource is sponsored by Planview

What’s Hot in Professional Services: Key Trends Affecting Your Services


Accelerating time-to-market. Maximizing solution value. Mitigating risks. Reducing costs. New trends and technologies are influencing customer Read More..

This resource is sponsored by Planview

The Open Secret of Successful Services Organizations


The human element of connection remains essential not just for the professional services industry, but for the clients they serve. Customers today require more connectivity than ever before, Read More..

This resource is sponsored by Planview

7 Key Steps to Quick Data Recovery


Data loss is inevitable. Businesses lose four million files daily — an equivalent of 44 files every second. According to the Ponemon Institute and IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach Report 2021, the average total cost of a data breach reached $4.24 million in 2021. Read More..

This resource is sponsored by Spanning



School districts, colleges and universities around the globe are adopting G Suite for Education. Those leading the way include Christopher Gleeson at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland; Brian Van Vlimmeren, formerly with the Read More..

This resource is sponsored by Spanning

Best Practices for Microsoft 365 Business Continuity


Downtime due to a simple human error, cyberattack or natural disaster could severely impact your business, and in extreme cases, shut down operations permanently. Read More..

This resource is sponsored by Spanning

SPANNING BACKUP for Google Workspace


Given the current cybersecurity threat landscape, protecting your Microsoft 365 data is a no-brainer. However, finding the right solution that fits your organization’s needs Read More..

This resource is sponsored by Spanning

Spanning Backup for Microsoft 365 Evaluation Criteria Checklist


Spanning surveyed thousands of IT leaders across four continents to understand the current and future landscape of SaaS backup approaches and industry best practices. Read More..

This resource is sponsored by Spanning

The SaaS Backup & Recovery


The SaaS Backup and Recovery Report 2022 from Spanning provides new insights into the SaaS universe, the current state of SaaS data protection and what you should know to enhance your data protection strategy Read More..

This resource is sponsored by Spanning

A step ahead in organization-wide security


As organizations have migrated away from data center centric workloads to Cloud and scores of SaaS applications to do business, the demands on security teams have shifted radically. Read More..

This resource is sponsored by Conres

2022 Connectivity benchmark report


Insights from 1,050 IT leaders on the state of digital transformation

MuleSoft, in collaboration with Deloitte Digital, surveyed 1,050 global IT leaders on the state of connectivity and digital transformation. Read More..

This resource is sponsored by Mulesoft

7 steps to cultivate a thriving API ecosystem


Create your own API ecosystem

With a thriving API ecosystem, businesses can use their data to create outstanding customer experiences. Read More..

This resource is sponsored by Mulesoft

CIO guide to universal API management


The next evolution of full lifecycle API management

Agility is a top priority for CIOs to get the company to innovate faster. To do this, organizations must break down their complex infrastructures Read More..

This resource is sponsored by Mulesoft

Start Innovating with Microsoft Azure SQL: Explore common migration and modernization solutions


Modernize, build, and deploy your applications from anywhere with databases hosted in the cloud. Download Start Innovating with Microsoft Azure SQL:. Read More..

This resource is sponsored by Microsoft

Adobe Acrobat Sign Helps Government Engage With Citizens And Drive Internal Efficiencies


To better understand the benefits, costs, and risks associated with Adobe Acrobat Sign, Adobe commissioned Forrester Consulting Read More..

This resource is sponsored by Adobe

Transforming citizen experiences with trusted e-signature solutions


Digital transformation has shifted into overdrive at all levels of government over the last few years. Along the way, digital documents and online processes have gained prominence. Read More..

This resource is sponsored by Adobe

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Refresh Your Facts

1.  Global online sales are predicted to reach 22% of all retail sales in 2023.

2.  Global tablet shipments are expected to hit 142 million by 2025, reports Statista.

3.  Artificial Intelligence is expected to contribute $15.7 trillion to the economy by the year 2030.

4.  Since the launch of the popular mobile game, Candy Crush, in 2012, players have spent a total of 73 billion hours (equivalent to 8.3 million years) playing this game.

5.  Approximately 8 billion gadgets connect on the internet every day.

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